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Wardrobe is a big part of a successful shoot, however do not let it get you overwhelmed.
Have fun gathering options, think outside the box and bring more than one option for each of your "looks" so that we can talk through and see what works best! *If you have representation please talk to them about types you are going for and what their needs for the photos are as well
It is best to bring some basic items in addition to things that reflect your personal style as well
We will go over all of you clothing options together when you arrive for you shoot.
Every Actor is different and every Actors casting is different so there is no cookie cutter list of things to bring but these are a few things that can be mixed and matched up to achieve different looks or vibes. See examples of different looks Actors have done for some inspiration below...
Tank tops (any variety of straps)
T shirts (different cuts & colors)
Dressy tops (I love lace and interesting textures)
Layers to put over (blazers, leather jackets, denim jackets, hoodies, cardigans)
Dresses that have a great top portion work too!
plaid shirts or flannels
A pair of Jeans or pants that you don’t mind being photographed in just in case they show
Think outside the box! Feel free to bring some fun things that you love even if you think they would work...you would be suprised!
PLEASE BRING THE APPROPRIATE UNDERGARMENTS FOR YOUR CLOTHING (i.e., nude bra, strapless bra, pasties, etc…)
T shirts (v neck , crew cut, grey , black, and a variety of colors )
Jacket Layers (leather jackets, denim jackets, cargo jackets, hoodies etc)
Dress shirt / button down (bring ties , suit jackets, or anything else that you might want to take on or off to change the vibe)
Henleys or flannels
A pair of Jeans or pants that you don’t mind being photographed in just in case they show
& sweaters
If you plan on shaving, please let us know in advance and bring your own shaving tolls (razor or electric) we have a restroom you are welcome to use to shave .